I am upgrading the systems that power Unread Cloud, Unread’s webpage text feature, and the Webpage Text API. This upgrade requires a two-hour maintenance window. I am going to perform this upgrade Saturday, July 1, from 5:00 AM New York time to 7:00 AM New York time.


For customers using Unread with an Unread Cloud or Local account: refreshing an account, retrieving or caching webpage text, adding and editing feed subscriptions, and using Unread’s share sheet extensions will not work reliably while this upgrade is taking place.

For customers using Unread with an external account such as a Feedbin or Feedly account: the impact will be limited to the first 30 minutes of the upgrade maintenance window. The ability to refresh an account will not be impacted. Retrieving or caching webpage text, subscribing to new feeds, and using Unread’s share sheet extensions will not work reliably during the first 30 minutes of the upgrade maintenance window.

Webpage Text API

For customers using the Webpage Text API directly, calls to webpagetextapi.goldenhillsoftware.com will continue to work as expected with an existing access token. During the first 30 minutes of the upgrade maintenance window, API calls to auth.goldenhillsoftware.com to retrieve an access token will not work reliably.

Technical Details

I am upgrading the database servers powering Unread Cloud and the authentication system from PostgreSQL 14.8 to PostgreSQL 15.3, and from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu 22.04. Most of my other servers have been running Ubuntu 22.04 for almost a year, but I am more conservative with database servers. The Linode instance hosting the Unread Cloud databases will also get more cores and more storage.