Feed Hawk Press Kit

Please email John Brayton to request evaluation copies and to ask any questions.

Product Page: https://www.goldenhillsoftware.com/feed-hawk/
App Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/feed-hawk/id1093873777?ls=1&mt=8
Requirements: Feed Hawk requires iOS 10 or later. Feed Hawk is a universal app for iPhone and iPad.
Price: free


Unread requires an account with one of these services:

What Is Feed Hawk?

Feed Hawk makes it easy to subscribe to the RSS feed of the website you are visiting. Simply open a share sheet and tap Feed Hawk. Feed Hawk will find RSS feeds associated with the web page and present them. You can then subscribe to or unsubscribe from any of those feeds.

Who is Behind Feed hawk

Unread was written by John Brayton of Golden Hill Software. Golden Hill Software is a one-person company developing apps for the Mac and for iOS. Golden Hill Software is located in Massachusetts.

App Compatibility

Feed Hawk is compatible with most iOS web browser that have a share sheet, including:

  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari View Controllers

Icon and Screenshots