Unread for macOS: Beta Version

I invite you to download a beta version of Unread for macOS via TestFlight.

Please Tell Me What You Think

Please send me suggestions, bug reports, and any other input you have. The best way to provide input is to email support@goldenhillsoftware.com. The Help menu contains a Contact Developer… menu item that will create an email message to this address.

Development Status

Unread for macOS is not ready for release, but it contains enough functionality to serve as a solid RSS reader on macOS. It syncs with Unread Cloud, Feedbin, Feedly, Fever, Inoreader, and NewsBlur accounts. It also supports Local accounts. It includes Unread’s webpage text retrieval features, themes, search functionality, and both the Subscribe in Unread and Save to Unread share extensions.

Subscription Purchases

All functionality in Unread for macOS is available without a subscription while Unread for macOS is in beta. Premium functionality will require a subscription when Unread for macOS is released.

System Requirements

This beta release requires macOS 14.2 or later.

Keeping Up-to-Date

To keep up with the latest developments and find out when Unread for macOS is shipping, subscribe to the RSS feed for this website or follow Unread on Mastodon. You can also subscribe to the Unread for macOS Release Announcement Mailing List.