Unread Premium Features

Unread’s core functionality is free. A subscription is available that unlocks premium features:

Caching: Cache webpage text and images ahead of time.

Save to Unread: A share sheet extension that creates an article in Unread from the webpage you are visiting with Safari, Chrome, Firefox, or any other web browser.

Custom App Icons: Unread offers 32 different app icon options. The shapes are the same but they have different color schemes.

Article Actions: Unread’s article actions let you save articles to Instapaper, Pinboard, Plinky, Pocket, Raindrop.io, Readwise, and Safari Reading List; share article links via email; and share article links via iMessage.

Widget Customization: Limit articles or unread article counts shown by widgets to specific feeds or folders.

Premium Support: Paying customers get first class customer support.