Unread 1.9.3 is now available with these improvements:

  • Unread will no longer show “Untitled” or placeholder text from syncing services when displaying posts without titles. This change does not apply to articles downloaded before installing this update. Inoreader and NewsBlur set the title to the first few words of an article if it has no title, so this change does not apply to articles downloaded from either of those services.
  • Tapping on an article date in the article view now has the same effect as tapping on the title. Unread will open the article in its readability view or on the web, depending on your settings.
  • Equation images from zhihu.com now load properly. This change does not apply to articles that Unread downloaded before installing this update.
  • I fixed a bug that prevented images from loading in Readability view for some sites.
  • When the App Icon Badge is enabled and Mark Read On Open is enabled, Unread will decrement the icon badge number when an article is opened instead of when the user leaves the article.

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