Unread 1.9.4 adds some minor improvements:

  • Unread will no longer display the number of unread articles next to the “ALL ARTICLES” text. It will continue to display that number of unread articles next to the “UNREAD ARTICLES” text just above it.
  • I made changes to help avoid Unread using a low quality image as an article thumbnail.
  • Unread now removes “face” and “color” attributes from HTML elements in articles. This addresses issues where text in some articles contrasted with some background colors. This fix will not apply to articles already downloaded to the device.
  • I added modest improvements to the Readability parser. The most notable improvement is that there should be far fewer instances of excessive whitespace in the Readability view.
  • I added text to the purchase screens to help clarify that an in-app purchase made on an iPhone can be restored to an iPad and vice-versa.
  • I removed HockeyApp for crash reporting.

Finally, I made significant changes to the privacy policy in light of GDPR. I was in good shape with regard to GDPR because I have never wanted to collect personal information. I have a simple business model, selling an app. However I updated the privacy policy to be explicit about the right to have personal information supplied or deleted upon request. I removed HockeyApp for crash reporting. The privacy policy is also now more explicit about Unread’s interaction with third party web sites when retrieving embedded objects such as images and when retrieving text for the Readability view. A detailed list of changes to the policy is available in its Document History section.

If this update makes you happy, please leave a review in the App Store.