2021 brought significant updates to Unread:

  • Version 2.5 expanded Unread’s free tier.
  • Version 2.6 added full text search capabilities and a compact article list option for iPhone. Both features were in high demand and have been well received.
  • Version 2.7 improved handling of linked list articles. When, for example, a Daring Fireball article is a link to a MacStories article, the full text of both the Daring Fireball article and the linked MacStories article will appear on Unread’s article screen. This works with most websites that publish linked list articles including Daring Fireball, Hacker News, The Loop, MacStories, Michael Tsai’s blog, and Six Colors.
  • Version 2.8 added extra large widgets for iPad, support for Quick Notes on iPad, handoff between two devices running Unread, support for Siri Suggestions and Siri Search, and more.

I also released the Webpage Text API that powers Unread’s webpage text parsing and caching system as a standalone service.

Last year I wrote that I was working on Unread 3, trying to spend half my time on a big area of focus for Unread 3 and half my time on incremental updates. I am now working full time on Unread 3 functionality. While the pace of incremental updates has slowed over the past few months, the pace of development work on Unread has not. I still cannot promise a release date, and I hesitate to describe the new functionality before it is ready. However development work is progressing well. I hope to share my work soon.

Have a happy and healthy 2022.